if you ever plan on playing live

an essential way to tune without a tuner

get your fretting fingers to the next level

If you’re practicing a ton while sitting down, you need this

Time to navigate the neck with power chords

The pro’s know muting, now you will too

A great routine for your picking hand

A Great Memory for a musician is essential

The secret to playing songs with one finger

Time to level up with your strumming

Learn the chords of the songwriting masters

No more easy street, time to do the real thing

progression practice using numbering system

Many styles require fingerpicking, start here

More Scale theory for you

Learn about the space between the notes -intervals

The Caged system will open the whole neck up to you

Adding more color to your chords

Time to add to the f chord shape

learn to accompany yourself

Let’s move around the neck with pentatonic scales

Bending makes your guitar sound human

Next level power chord rhythms

Shuffle Feel is essential for rock and blues

Leads for blues and rock songs


Make your chords more interesting with this

No longer dread the barre chord

More scale work, soloing is near

triads, the foundation of chords and soloing

Back to scales!

When you know Chord-tones, your solos always “work"

Back to barre chords

Minor scales are so popular, you have to know these

If you know the minor scales, you should know the chords as well

2nd Form minor scales

the blues scale, the secret of legends

Time to use your thumb in a chord

Dominant 7 chords, the sound of the legendary artists

Add a little jazz to your chords

soloing mastery requires tone-targeting

natural Harmonics are found in countless songs

Another way to tune using natural harmonics

Double up the same note for a bigger sound

the most expressive element in lead guitar

bending variations to master

How I get my sound