Hey everyone, Mike here. Thanks for checking out the site. My original idea was to create this to teach my nephew (who lives in another state) guitar, but realized that everyone could also benefit from my decades of playing and teaching experience. It's a great feeling to know that anyone can learn guitar from me and even when I'm too old to play, the information will still be available to make the world a more musical place.
The Art of Guitar is culmination of over 30 years of teaching. I've learned what works for most beginners and can cut right to what's important for solid and surprisingly fast results. Most can't believe they're playing songs in less than a few days. My method is a 50/50 approach where the student doesn't have to spend the first few months learning the technical (thinking) side only but gets a balance of that and actual playing. Also I found that most students learn best when they are in a one-on-one private lesson setting. We did our best to replicate that experience and you'll see and feel it when you take lessons from us. So while some are dabbling from site to site learning different approaches from different instructors, you will benefit from learning from the ground up from an experienced instructor who not only shows you how to play but the best order in which to learn the techniques and theory. For half the price of one actual private lesson per month, you can get all the benefits of learning guitar for yourself. "I'm looking forward to showing you the amazing world of playing guitar here at The Art of Guitar." Sincerely, Mike G
Marky and Me
Mike has been teaching for over 30 years and currently has a Youtube channel with over 800,000 subscribers. He also plays live in select projects and is looking to dive deeper into his writing of both music and fiction.
What is included in the system? My goal is to have a complete system that takes you all the way from the beginning of guitar and helps you get far enough (both with playing and knowledge) to go in any direction you wish afterwards.
Do I have to read music? You don't have to read music since much of what I teach is learned by watching and copying what I'm doing. You will have to read some chord charts and TAB but I'll explain how and it only takes minutes. *UPDATE: I decided to include a notation reading section to the site. It's under "Music Notation Area." :)
How does this compare to private lessons?: Having taught private lessons for over 20 years now I understand the tremendous value of one-on-one guitar lessons. I took much of what I teach privately into my lesson videos and have heard from so many students that I've been able to simplify the learning process to the point that they can easily pick up the lessons whether in person or through my videos.
What if I have questions? We are getting pretty busy but feel free to send me an email with any questions. At this point I'm able to answer most questions within a few days. artofguitarinfo@gmail.com
How much is it for access to the full system? It's $10.95 per month for full access. Compare that to private lesson rates (sometimes up to $150-$200 a month) and you can see the value. Our lessons can also be a good supplement to take while you are also doing private lessons. You can surprise your instructor with your speedy learning abilities. :)
How many videos will eventually be up? I plan to do this for a lifetime so it's hard to estimate. We have four categories that are ever evolving and new videos are going up every week.
What's involved in the cancellation process?: You can learn as long as you want for the monthly rate however if you wish to cancel you can do so anytime. Just realize that the membership site gives you the option to end the subscription immediately OR after that month's subscription period.